The Ruler of Books Tag

I wasn't tagged by anyone to do this I just wanted to because it looked fun. 
If you want to watch the Original Video click HERE

What book would you make everyone read?

ACOMAF!!! Come on that is not a surprise! That book is so frigging good!

What would you abolish in your book construction?

There is so many things that bother me when it comes to the way books are made. But what bothers me more than stiff paperbacks is when there are stickers or whatever they are printed in the cover. Example:

What author would you commission to write any book?

Sarah J. Maas because I love her writing and all of her books so far!

What book would you to demote to the library basement to make room for new books?

The Pretty Little Liars Series because first of all there are so many books! I used to watch the show and that dragged so I can't even imagine how much the books drag and second is that I read the first book and it wasn't that great. I gave the second book a shot and it is worse than the first. I have better books to replace them so to the basement they go!

What cover artist would you commission to make a mural?
I'm not sure who made these but the person/ people who made the art inside of the special edition of Fangirl. I mean look at those they are so pretty!!!

What characters face you put on a coin?

Rhysand! Who wouldn't want him on a coin? He's beautiful and smart and dark! <3

What book would you award the “Ruler of Books” 2016 prize to?
This won't be a surprise come on.... ACOMAF!!!! I'm pretty sure everyone already knows how much I love this book!! I love it a lot!!


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