The Urban Dictionary Book Tag [Original]

I scoured the inter webs trying to see if someone has already made this and I couldn't find anything but if there is let me know. This idea popped into my head while I was on google trying to find something to do with myself. So I decided to create a Tag. Why Urban Dictionary you may ask? Well I say why not Urban Dictionary.... I don't know. I'm always looking stuff up on Urban Dictionary because some Americans don't speak English and I cannot understand it. Also I'm going to be putting definitions of the words just incase you don't know them and they are going to be stragight from the website. So beware of the language. I will try to keep it clean. Anyway yeah... Heres the Tag.

1.) Trolling: The art of deliberately, cleverly, and secretly pissing people off, usually via the internet, using dialogue.
Name a character that is constantly being a jerk.

Peter from Divergent. He is so rude! 

2.) Swag: Originally from the Scottish slang word "swagger" which was a description of the way some Scots walk (in a swaying motion), the word was then misinterpreted by the English as "the way someone presents themselves". 
Name a character that cares about nothing but their appearance. 

Hardin from After! He always wants to keep up this bad boy facade and doesn't let anyone see who he truly is.

3.) Thats what she said: a phrase used to turn a simple comment into a sexual joke.
Name a character that makes innocent situations inappropriate or awkward.

Ron Weasley or Fred and George.

4.) Y.O.LO.: You Only Live Once.
Name a character that does completely reckless things and still somehow survives.

Harry Potter... Amiright?

5.) Virgin Ears: Ears that have not yet been exposed to profanity or other vulgarity.
Name a character that is innocent and can do no wrong.

Prim. Sweet innocent little Prim would never hurt a fly! 

6.) Petty: The act of keeping it too real, while others find it offensive. 100% honesty, even if it's “mean.”
Name a character who is brutally honest even if people find it offensive. 

Draco Malfoy lives the petty life and it is wonderful. I also live the petty life and I don't care. 

7.) Pwned: It basically means "to own" or to be dominated by an opponent or situation, especially by some god-like or computer-like force.
Name a character that can brutally destroy their opponents.

Feyre Archeron. Yess... I know she can do it. I mean all of the evidence is in A Court of Thorns and Roses and A Court of Mist and Fury. 
8.) Flexing: showing off/fronting.
Name a character who likes to show off.
Celaena Sardothian. She did like to show off her skills and brag about being the greatest assassin in Adarlan. I noticed that a lot in The Assassin's Blade. 

9.) Ego-Surfing: Continual, excessive monitoring of responses to one's own posts on an internet forum or blog. This behavior is motivated primarily by vanity, self-absorption and concern about one's own online image or reputation.
Name a character that is conceited/vain. 
Im going to say Celaena again. She was a little vain. So yeah definitely Celaena. Aelin is a completely different story. 

10.) Basic:An adjective used to describe any person, place, activity involving obscenely obvious behavior, dress, action.
Name a character that is SO predictable or a total cliche. 
Gale Hawthorne. Throughout the whole trilogy he was so predictable and he was the best friend that thought he had a chance. Like Jacob.... *cough* Cliche *cough*. Plus I just don't like him

SO yeah heres the Tag... I had fun creating it as well as doing it.

I tag Alyssa specifically and anyone who wants to do it you are TAGGED! If you do this Tag let me know I would love to see your answers. 


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