So I Might Be A Vampire DNF Review

These are both going to be very short because I don't have much to say about them since I didn't finish these books.

I thought the idea of this book was really interesting and that's the reason I accepted it for review. Also because it was October and it was the perfect time to read something with a spooky creature. When I started reading it I don't know... it felt like it was trying too hard to be funny without actually being that funny, a little forced too. I'm pretty sure the only reason I didn't like it is because it simply isn't the kind of book I'm into anymore.  I might have liked it a couple years ago when I was into the whole vampire thing (This isn't a romance or anything.) but I've moved on from that. One more thing I want to add that really bothered me was the constant use of the word "vampire", I swear it was used in almost every sentence and that's another thing that turned me off from the book, but I did try. I really tried to push through but I was wasting my time knowing I didn't like it.


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