Just Juliet Review


This is a YA, LGBT novel that was sent to me for review.

Title: Just Juliet
Author: Charlotte Reagan
Rating: 3.5/5
Publisher/Date: September 2016 by Inkitt
Synopsis: Lena Newman is 17 years old and pretty satisfied with her life. Until her world is turned upside down. Juliet James is the new girl at school and very quickly manages to send Lena’s heart wild. Juliet introduced Lena to a part of herself she didn’t know was there, taking her on an emotional journey where loyalty, friendships and family relationships are tested. Juliet represents the road less traveled. Will Lena take it?
My Thoughts:
This book was pretty good but I felt like I was reading fan fiction on Wattpad which really bothered me because I expected the writing to be a little more mature but I guess that is because thats what I'm used to. The characters didn't stand out to me much, they were just there and I guess that's because I can't connect with most them. I found Scott and Laykn incredibly annoying when they were together. Scott was decent but Laykn was like a baby and I couldn't stand it but then I read what he had been though and I kinda understood. Juliet and Lena on the other hand I was okay with but I liked them better as friends than as a couple which is probably due to the fact that there was no slow burn... It was more like Lena was like " Holy crap she's hot!!!" and then the next day she is at her house. It was just too fast for my liking... Even though it lasted like the whole school year and a couple years after that it just didn't seem like it to me...It felt more like 2 months passed and everything happened. 
On the other hand though... The story was cute I really liked the journey of Lena and Juliet getting to know each other as well as Lena getting to know herself. I liked Lacey because she reminded me of myself and my best friend. Yeah were butt holes to each other and it is very fun.
I liked the meaning of Juliet's and Laykin's tattoo and the parts where Lena says she love Juliet. Prom was the cutest thing ever. I kinda wish my prom theme was like the one in the book but mine was tangled lanterns (It was cute but...). Anyway! What really got me about this book were the last couple chapters... Prom, Graduation, College and everything after that actually made me cry! I graduated only a couple months ago and reading that made me remember that even though High School was the WORST for years of my life, that last month of school was probably the best and I loved being able to remember it through the story. Although I didn't like how it ended much I'm glad it didn't end like Eleanor and Park.

I would definitely recommend this book. Its cute and funny and I think a lot of people would enjoy this book. 
By the way this is the only book I've read this month... awful... I know!


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