Unconscious Knowledge Review

I'm so lazy I have no motivation to do anything and the next couple reviews I post won't be that great so sorry in advance.

Title: Unconscious Knowledge
Author: Beaird Glover
Rating: 2.5/5
Quote: '"Marcy, if you could do anything you wanted to do, what would it be?"
"I don't know. I usually just thing about how to avoid getting picked on."
Synopsis: Growing up poor and within a troubled family, Marcy Harris takes a job at a hospital cafeteria, and the monotony is killing her. Then, on Christmas Day, she meets Syd McComb, a jet-cool punk rocker recently returned from a ten-year stay in Mexico, and Syd looks like all the trouble she's been dying to get into. Together they are as explosive as dynamite, and once the fuse is lit, they vent their frustrations with style, taking vengeance where it's due and staying one step ahead of the disgraced cop who's seething to catch them. And they don't feel guilty, doing what they do, because bad people should die-that's just unconscious knowledge.
My Thoughts: The author was a total rockstar for sending me a copy of his novel in exchange for an honest review so here we go.
I started this book when I was in a spiral towards slumpdom not a good idea... Now I tried. I really tried to finish this book because it seemed so interesting but something about it just didn't click with me like some books do, it could've been the writing style or just me. But I am in no way saying the book is bad because I can't really say much considering I didn't finish it. But the book just wasn't for me and if any of you decide to pick it up and you really enjoy it let me know. I am still willing to give it another try just not  right now.
Links: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/29248913-unconscious-knowledge


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