Book Lovers Tag

so i was tagged by Alyssa to do this tag so here we go!

Do you Have a Specific Place for reading?
I mostly read in my room. My room is my safe place and i don't feel like i can take in everything if I'm reading anywhere but my room.
 Bookmark or random piece of paper?
I use both but I really like making my own i think its really fun but i also collect any bookmarks I can get whether its from the school library or the bookstore.

Can you stop anywhere or do you have to finish the chapter?
I absolutely hate stopping in the middle of a chapter because when i get back to it at a later time i am so confused. I absolutely need to finish the chapter no matter how tired or busy i am. 
Do you eat of drink while reading?
I don't drink anything near my books. NEVER! I will eat while eating but I try not to eat messy foods. If I have a dirty book I WILL DIE!!!
Music or TV while reading?
I listen to music even though there is no point in doing it because I eventually drown it out. Unless the book is boring I don't actually listen. 
One at a time or several?
I try to read one at a time but a lot of the times ill start 3 other books and then i won't finish them for a long time. LOL
Read out loud or silently?
I really like reading silently but when i really get into a book i start to act out the characters. WIERD RIGHT?! its so fun! 

Do you read ahead or skip pages?
Im guilty of reading ahead sometimes. When i see the font is different or its a random passage super spaced out from the rest i take a peak at it. And sometimes I feel so guilty for doing it so i go back to the part i was on. but i mean COME ON WHO DOESNT?!
Breaking the spine or keeping it like new?
I love keeping my books looking like new. If my book is ugly looking its going on the bottom shelf in the back. If i had to look at it longer than i need to ill explode.
Do you write in your books?



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