Civil War Mini-Review

This is the last one!!! Yay!!! 

Title: Civil War: A Marvel Comics Event
Author: Mark Miller
Illustrator: Steve McNiven
Rating: 5/5
Synopsis: A conflict has been brewing from more than a year, threatening to pit friend against friend, brother against brother - and all it will take is a single misstep to cost thousands their lives and ignite the fuse.
My Thoughts: Oh my goodness!!!! I know I gave Daredevil a 5/5 but this one was so much better! If you're planning on reading this and think its anything like the movie, its not. I thought it was going to be similar but its pretty different. So when the story starts it's following the New Warriors and they have this TV show or something and they are trying to take down some villains who are by the way just chilling in the house. Then they cause this huge situation where kids die and boom! 

Honestly... I've always been Team Cap.  I totally agreed with him in the movie BUT after reading this I don't think I can ever be Team Iron Man. I get where he was coming from throughout this whole story but the way he went about things was awful. Let me backtrack... I am not saying either side was right but I did agree with Captain America more than Iron Man. I mean all the fighting they did didn't really get them anywhere! 

*********************************This is a spoiler!**********************************
I just have to add this because it makes me angry every time I see this... 

I was reading an article about this book after I finished it and I saw it in a couple other ones too. Iron Man did not " Savagely Obliterate" Captain America!! If Steve hadn't surrendered he could have destroyed Tony... So stop... Tony may have won but that's all. 


I think this got me to react the most. I screamed and cried and I still cannot!!!! There were characters that were new to me and characters I wish could have been in the movie like the Fantastic Four and Punisher! I love Frank so the excitement was real!! Anyway I Freaking loved this so much and I know that since I'm new to the comic Book world that I'm probably reading everything in the wrong order but I think everyone should at least read Civil War because its amazing! Okay that's all for now... Bye!!

Also one more thing!!! In case you were wondering where I got these... I got all the marvel comics and Saga Vol. 2-3 at Half Price Books. They were pretty cheap I think the cheapest one was 8 dollars and the most expensive was 12. I love that store and I got Saga Vol. 1 on Amazon for 10 bucks. 


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